One Church Jacksonville

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Arise & Build ~ The Work Continues!

Online membership is for those who want to move from spectators to participants in what is taking place at  One Church Jacksonville. God is moving in a mighty way as we continue to follow His instructions and do the work He has ordained us to do. Everyone at OCJ has a job to do in the vineyard!

For online members, we will provide: 

 + Online small group opportunities

 + Weekly Prayer support and Bible Study at

 + Access to online devotionals, discussions and services to help you grow in faith

We keep things spiritually authentic here at One Church Jacksonville and we want to get to know you as you become an OCJ online member!

As an online member, we invite and encourage you to:

 + Engage in our Sunday morning live stream Zoom worship service

 + Attend our Tuesday evening intense Bible Study classes

 + Pray for the church community, staff, and leadership

+ Participate in worship through online giving of Tithes, Offerings & Pastoral Love Donations

+ Support OCJ online with likes and shares on various social media platforms


As our online membership expands, we will identify some leaders who can open up works to start gatherings and assemblies (like their homes) of people who can participate together with us online. Of course, these home-based gatherings of online members should not begin until social distancing requirements begin to relax and safety measurements are restored throughout the nation. Until then, OCJ will continue to meet as a unified church group on our Zoom online service every Tuesday evening at 6:00pm for Bible Study and every Sunday morning at 9:30am for Praise & Worship Service / 10:00am for Worship Service.  All the while, we are excited about what God is doing with our online membership.  

God has instructed us to prepare -> by following direction and instructions -> engage faithfulness and obedience -> obey leadership = Expansion!


If you are interested in becoming a member of our online congregation, complete the form below and one of our pastors will contact you!


  • OCJ Membership Information